Wednesday 9 February 2011

Film Media - Target Audience Questionnaire

Target Audience Research

1.       Where do you watch films? (Circle One)
Home   Cinema   Other______________

2.       What Genre do you watch? (Circle One)

Sci-Fi Horror Drama Comedy Romance Action Family   Other___________________

3.       What hooks you into a film?

4.       Does the opening create questions for you that will be answered later on in the film?               
YES      NO

5.       Do you prefer it if there is a soundtrack to the opening?
YES       NO

6.       How do you find out about new movies? (Circle One)

Film Reviews Interviews with actors Cinema Listings   Film Trailers Other__________________

7.       Do you think the Beginning draws you in to the film?
YES      NO

8.       Do you think the beginning is the most important part of a film? Why?

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