Wednesday 16 March 2011

PLANNING: Marketing and Distribution

Our Photoshoot for our film poster was on the 3rd of March. The people who were in the Photoshoot were myself and Tom Hartland, we are also the actors in the film as well. We took quite a few pictures with different poses to find which one showed the relationship between the two characters best. This was the picture we decided was best in the end, as it shows the female character is the main character in this movie as she is looking at the camera, where as Tom isn't. 

We chose this background as the set for our Photoshoot as this background seemed easy to edit on photoshop to change it to a plain white background.

We then used the magic wand tool on photoshop to change the background to white, and to cut around Chrissi and Tom.

After we had cut round our main characters, we cropped the picture so it would fit our film poster.

This is our finished film poster. We have put the names of the actors / actresses at the top so our viewers know who is starring in the film. We have chosen red as the colour of our title and the shadowing as red is related to romance and love, and this is what our film is about. Two people meeting unexpectedly, and falling in love.

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